
The knot has been tied

Monday, October 31, 2011

Here is the link to Snapfish. Once again I can't seem to share my photos like I had been. A few of you said you weren't able to see the pics. Sorry, not sure what is happening. Hopefully this time you can see them.

Even tho this is a new blog, I can't seem to remove the picture of Melvin with the chicken in his mouth.

It's only been a month since my last update but lots has been happening and with the arrival of my brother in just 16 days!!!!!! a lot more will be happening. So I figured I'd get a quick update out now and start fresh after my brother's visit.

In just 3 weeks we went from a dirt foundation to having all the walls up to 7 feet. I don't even have the most recent pictures here. The house is coming along great and Wayne is really happy with the guys he has working for him. There are usually 8 guys there at all times. Juan, the boss, is great (I have a crush on him...will posts pictures and girls, you will see why :). Him and Wayne have full conversations on the phone, see each other the next day and both admit that neither of them had a clue what the other was saying. Lots of head shaking up and down and 'ok, ok, si, si, good, good, bien, bien'...next day they are both like, WHAT/QUE???? It's pretty hysterical.

My boss Jack is in town. Great guy. I love working for him. He took Wayne and I, Jose (my manager), his wife and Ingrid (the girl I replaced) and her husband to lunch at Villa Camilla. WOW, what a place. There are a lot of pictures from that day. For my rich friends, this is where you will stay when you come visit. Do I have any rich friends????

This past weekend was a total blast.... Friday night was a great party at Casa de Campo (great B&B here in town). Great people, food, drinks and music. The next day we met back to Casa de Campo so that we could walk along the parade route with everyone. Now here's something you don't see in most parades back in the states....a mule leading the way, pulling a cart full of coolers and the coolers topped off with everything you can imagine. And it wasn't serve yourself...they had staff working it and making sure that if you were part of this group, your hands were never empty and your thrist always quenched. I kept saying to Wayne...'how did we get here! I can't believe this is my life!'...I repeat....A mule, with staff, serving me drinks while I walked in a parade! Seriously!!!! Ok, downfall.....they just don't do the port-a-potty thing here.

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