
The knot has been tied

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Bombs AWAAaaaaay

Bombs away!!!!
So we’ve spent our first weekend in Pedasi. I can’t say I wasn’t warned that the weekends can be a little loud. You also have to be a huge fan of roosters and chickens…which we are but that could change. What we weren’t prepared for were the ‘bombs’. Not firecrackers but handmade bombs. Now keep in mind, there is ZERO crime here. ZERO!! In the past 4 years someone heard of having a pair of flip flops stolen during Carnival. All the Gringos leave their doors open, no one worries about a thing. It’s real community feel here. So when a few bombs go off you kind of just have to say, Hey if one hits us we know we can rush out to the hospital and not worry about locking the door. HA! What they do here is make hand made bombs and then there’s a contest to see who has the loudest and biggest. To whet your appetite they start with teaser bombs sometime mid morning on Saturday. These are something you might expect to hear in Bridgeport, CT. Enough to make you ALMOST shit yourself at first then it’s a just an annoyance as you have to hold your conversations until the round is finished. As the day moves into night you think Ok, it’s dark, they’ll be shooting them off and then we can call it day. Well as long as you don’t mind calling it day sometime around Sunday mid-morning, you are fine. Now sometime around midnight right into day light, literally they are BOMBS. They skies light up, the window panes shake and this time you do actually shit yourself!!!! Remember that shinny new blue truck we just bought? Sunday morning is was a nice new shade of ASH with accents specks of brown. Now for the good part, we found out yesterday that last weekend was just a warm up. This weekend there is going to be a carnival and the actual contest. Hmmmm, do we stick around or find a place to stay for the night. Poor Fischer. We try to get excited and say to him ‘is that a squirrel?’ when a bomb goes off so that he won’t be so freaked out.

I posted a few pictures, nothing much:
1 Wayne got a haircut in Las Tablas, $3 and the guy spent about 20 minutes on him. Gave him a ‘flat top’ as that was about the only words that were understood.
2 Found a great rocky beach right next door to the ex president of Panama (the first female). She’s got a heck of a compound and a kick ass Cabo.
3 Went fishing for the first time. Both of us caught bonita, yuck. Our friend Asir caught 3 dorado but none made it into the boat. It rained/stormed most of the trip but still nice to be on the water.
4 Getting the boat in the water is done by truck, same when it’s time to get it out.
5 Our friend Asir lost his truck keys so the locals were more than happy to try to break into it for him. After an hour of no luck our boat captain looked down and there was the key!
6. Fischer has discovered Vultures. We call them Winged Squirrels. This in itself is worth it’s own blog because it’s too friggin funny to watch him try to catch them. I’ll have more on this in the future.

Well that’s all for now and I think we’ll stick around this weekend. Really grab onto that Panamanian culture. I’ll try to get some of the bombings on video. (Can you imagine this happening in the states!!!!!)

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